ABOUT CONFERENCE THEMES PROGRAMME LECTURERS REGISTRATION FEE IMPORTANT DATES PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEEDINGS REGISTRATION Name and surname Email address Address (e.g., Amy Smith, 3a High Street, Southampton SO31) Telephone Participation type Participation type Participant without paper contribution Participant with paper contribution Paper title Co-authors Conference thematic section Conference thematic sectionTeaching and educating at-risk youthInstitutional approaches to working with at-risk youthInformal and non-institutional forms of working with at-risk youth Presentation Presentation workshop (with more emphasis on experiential work) poster presentation video presentation PowerPoint presentation other other form of presentation Language of the presentation Language of the presentation Slovene English Croatian Serbian Abstract Attendance Attendance by Zoom Payer of the registration fee Payer of the registration fee Natural person Organization Tax numbers of the organization Address of the organization (for example: Mladinski dom Jarše, Jarška cesta 44, SI-1000 Ljubljana) Bank account Message to the organizers By registering, I confirm that I agree with the general terms and conditions of participation. By registering, I confirm that I agree with the general terms and conditions of participation. Agree I agree to the use of my data by the Jarše youth home for the purpose of conducting the international conference and I confirm that I have read the privacy statement. I agree to the use of my data by the Jarše youth home for the purpose of conducting the international conference and I confirm that I have read the privacy statement. Agree You will receive a confirmation message after signing up. In case you do not receive this, please contact us at konferenca@mdj.si. You will receive a confirmation message after signing up. In case you do not receive this, please contact us at konferenca@mdj.si. Read 14 + 3 = Send registration SEND CONTRIBUTION If you applyed to conference with contribution, you can send it through this form or to e-mail address prispevki@mdj.si. The deadline for submitting the full contribution is April 4, 2021. Your email