Paper submission: until 4 April 2021 |
Notice of the adequacy of the paper or possible amendments: 23 April 2021 |
The guidelines are intended to help authors prepare high-quality papers. The paper should present modern concepts in the field of work with at-risk youth, especially young people
with emotional disturbance and/or behavioural problems. The text of the paper must be written using impersonal language in Slovene, English, Croatian or Serbian (in Latin script). The listed languages will be used for the presentation part as well. The organizer will see to the translation of abstracts of papers written in English, Croatian or Serbian into Slovene for the conference proceedings.
When reviewing papers, we take into account the following criteria: topicality of the topic, method of presentation, structure and organization, professionalism and text comprehensibility. Methodological adequacy will be taken into consideration as well.
The title should indicate the essential elements of the paper content in a brief and concise manner. It should contain a maximum of 80 characters.
The Slovenian title should be followed by a title in English, the name and surname of the author (or several authors), the exact academic and professional title of the author(s) and the full address of the institution where the author(s) are employed (or where they can be reached), alongside their e-mail address.
Provide two abstracts, one in English and one in the language in which you have chosen to submit your paper (Slovene, Croatian or Serbian). The abstracts should include a concise presentation of the paper. The length of the abstract should be one paragraph and it should not exceed 150 words. Indicate the purpose of the paper, the basic characteristics of the research/contribution, the main findings and important conclusions. Provide keywords of the paper (maximum five) in English and in the language in which you have chosen to submit your paper (Slovene, Croatian or Serbian).
In the introduction, describe and present the area of the fundamental problem, the purpose and goals of the paper. Show a broader professional framework of the field from which the problem was selected. Describe what led you to the use of modern approaches in working with at-risk youth. Outline how the topic shall be discussed.
Structure the text in a content-based manner. Divide it into suitably long and content-complete paragraphs. Do not include any content that does not contribute to the answer to the selected problem, even if it may be interesting. Avoid excessive enumeration (e.g. entire pages of bullet points).
Pay attention to the use of pertinent sources. Support your claims by citing sources or by listing your own findings. Cite the sources for data, claims, and findings that are not a direct result of your work. The sources must be listed in the bibliography. Use APA standards when citing and summarizing.
Design each table so that it is understandable and clear. Explain what the table shows in its title; you can also include additional explanations so that the table’s contents are understandable without the rest of the text.
In the conclusion, concisely state the essential findings, the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of the proposed solutions or findings, the problems that remain unresolved and suggestions for future professional and research work.
List all cited and summarized sources in the bibliography and vice versa – all sources listed in the bibliography must also be cited in the text. Cite sources in APA citation format (;
- The paper should be formed on an A4 vertical sheet, left, right and top margin 2.5 cm, bottom margin 3 cm. The pages should be numbered at the bottom of the page.
- The text (including the abstract) should be written in Calibri font (size 12), aligned on both sides and written in single line spacing.
- The text must contain meaningful and clear unnumbered major headings and subheadings of the chapters, written in Calibri font (size 18, 16, 14 according to the level of the headings).
- The text of the paper (including the abstract) is limited to 15,000 characters without spaces or to a maximum of 8 pages.
The organizer reserves the right to reject papers that do not fully comply with the requirements: paper is not following the formatting requirements strictly; paper is out of the scope of the conference topic. Papers will not be further proofread. The author is fully responsible for the content, proofreading and form of the paper.